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Fall 2024


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New in The Letterpress Project
A Review of Preexisting Conditions

In a recent review for The Letterpress Project, Terry Potter discusses Preexisiting Conditions: Recounting the Plague by Samuel Weber. Click here to learn more about the book. Click here to read the full review. An excerpt appears below:

“This book constitutes a densely but engagingly argued overview of the different ways society has told the tale of plague and pandemic and we can see clearly from these that there is no single story here. The idea that the virus is an impartial, unmediated medical threat to the individual is a view that over-simplifies an event as significant as a pandemic and we must see it as not just something that threatens life but also threatens social structure in the wider sense - a lesson the fictions of the past have tried to come to terms with, just as we will have to as we move out of the Covid shadows.”