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Fall 2024


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New in The Northern Review
A Review of Into the White

In a recent review in The Northern Review, Mark David Turner discusses Christopher Heuer’s Into the White: The Renaissance Arctic and the End of the Image.Click here to learn more about the book. Click here to read the full review. An excerpt appears below:

“Published in 2019, it is curious that Christopher P. Heuer’s Into the White: The Renaissance Arctic and the End of the Image continues to primarily circulate within art history circles. While Heuer certainly writes from within the discipline, his book makes for useful, albeit somewhat problematic, reading for anyone interested in the history and cultural logic of European colonialism in the Circumpolar North. Likely, its circulation remains limited in part because of the absence of a corresponding body of literature. Even though Into the White makes clear that there is a long tradition of European visualization of the Far North in word and image, I am unaware of any comparable study that critiques that tradition over such a long period of time, wide body of material, and vast geography. Thee scale of the analysis may lose some readers, but it reinforces one of Heuer’s central arguments. For early European explorers, Arctic and Subarctic regions del· ed contemporary techniques of quantil· cation and qualil· cation. Heuer’s project is to contextualize this indescribability.”