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Spring 2024


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New on CAA Reviews
A Review of Anachronic Renaissance

In a new review in CAA Reviews, Frank Fehrenbach discusses Nagel and Wood’s Anachronic Renaissance. Click here to learn more about the book. Click here to read the full review. An excerpt appears below:

“In recent years, revisions of Hans Belting’s groundbreaking Bild und Kult (Munich: C.H. Beck, 1990), arguably the most influential book published in the fields of medieval and byzantine art history in the last fifty years, led to two divergent paths. On the one hand, countless studies demonstrated that even in the ‘era of art’ since the fifteenth century, the ‘image’ with its claims of ‘magical’ presence survived. On the other hand, medievalists revealed the enormous amount of self-reflexivity in pre-Renaissance art. Both lines of research, however, did not seriously challenge Belting’s conceptual dualism. In Anachronic Renaissance, Alexander Nagel and Christopher Wood try to overcome this dilemma in order to establish a Renaissance concept of art beyond the opposition of ‘art’ versus ‘cult.’”