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Fall 2024


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New in Arquitectura Viva
The Art of Critique: On Baudelaire and Goya

In a recent feature in Arquitectura Viva, Anthony Cascardi’s Francisco de Goya and the Art of Critique is discussed alongside a new book on Baudelaire, comparing their shared interest in critique and the link between painting and writing. Click here to learn more about Cascardi’s book. Click here to access the magazine or see the button to the left to read the full article.

“Anthony Cascardi argues in Francisco de Goya and the Art of Critique that the artist’s entire oeuvre is a critical reaction to the world he lived in: its politics, religion, and even its means of representation. This modernity of Goya, claimed as precursor by the romantics, impressionists, expressionists, and even surrealists, is a manifestation of the spirit of the Enlightenment, but also an indictment – in works like The Third of May – against the barbarity that the very Enlightenment could also harbor.”